Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Law Like love Essay

Different opinions are an aspect of life that is widespread throughout the world. In â€Å"Law like Love†, W. H. Auden intends for the reader to understand that the nature of a person’s perspective is dependent on one’s surroundings, because each person has their own view of the world, causing the formation of many different ideas and inadvertently representing a freedom of speech. Determined by physical and mental environment, an individual’s viewpoint will vary accordingly. For example, in â€Å"Law like Love† Auden writes that a carefree, out-of-doors gardener will see Law as the sun. The sun is something that is a constant component in a gardener’s life. Creating a set of rules and procedures, the sun controls plant growth and work periods, thus unintentionally asserting its power into a gardener’s life. To light- hearted, joyful children, â€Å"Law is the senses of the young†. They do not pay much attention to the responsibilities and rules of society, living in a totally different world from older adults. Acting only when their senses tell them it is justified, children live in a world of innocence. Priests, people who spend their time in church believe that â€Å"Law is the words in my [their] priestly book†. They believe that divine intervention is integrated into every person’s life; and since rules and policies had been inscribe into their â€Å"book†, everything that â€Å"book† discloses is truth, or in other words, Law. Influenced by an individual’s surroundings, the many different perspectives people experience create a multitude of diverse ideas. Ideas are born from the imaginations of people. When each person has their own views on life and how it works, then different ideas will be conceived in each mind, therefore creating countless unlike beliefs and opinions. W. H. Auden’s poem, â€Å"Law like Love† reveals the opinions of many different people on what Law actually is. The gardener believes it is like the sun, the scholars say Law is only composed of crimes, grandfather’s say it is the wisdom of the old, while judges insist that Law is only the Law. Each of these individual’s live their own lives and have different morals and principles, therefore creating different opinions. Examples of political ideas being formed are â€Å"Law is our State† and â€Å"Always the loud angry crowd, Very angry and very loud, Law is We†. This shows that even if there is a  current government who is creating and enforcing the Law, there will always be others who believe they can do better, hence the creation of political parties, all with different political ideologies. In addition to producing ideas, various perceptions and standpoints also help to promote freedom of opinion and speech. Freedom to express your feelings and opinions is a privilege many individuals possess. â€Å"Although I can at least confine, Your vanity and mine, To stating timidly†¦ Like love I say.† demonstrated that W.H Auden believed that Law was like love. He had the liberty to voice his opinions to others without fear of punishment or retribution. The other theories- â€Å"Law is our Fate†, â€Å"Law is our State†, â€Å"Law is We†, â€Å"Law is the clothes men wear†- all indicate ideas Auden had to right to share. Therefore, the sharing of different perspectives on any issue is a freedom that is constantly being promoted. In â€Å"Law like love†, the author intended for the reader to discover that ones perspective is directly influenced by one’s surroundings and environment, and can change constantly, creating many ideas and encouraging the sharing of these ideas. An important feature of life, there will always be conflicting points of views on any matter.

How Hitler Lost the War Essay

As an influential, forceful person, Adolf Hitler used his articulate speech to empower the Nazi political party. Hitler received complete power as the Chancellor of Germany, after passing the Enabling Act. He utilized the totalitarian power to create the Third Reich, and through military moves and a propaganda movement headed by Joseph Goebbels, he made a great impact on the Germany’s citizens. Hitler influenced the Germans into sharing a deep sentiment of nationalism, and the significance of the Aryan, or â€Å"master,† race. With this widespread attitude and the mobilization of the German military, Hitler spearheaded the second world war. Despite the positive contributors to the German force, Hitler’s many mistakes hindered the armies’ ability to win the war. This included his impulsive demeanor and irresolute tendencies, his errors at Dunkirk, France, and his attack on Ukraine. One significant error made by Hitler occurred when he chose to alternate from bombing the RAF, targeting civilians in British cities instead. This gave the RAF the time and space needed to recuperate, and they were able to recover. Hitler had lost a chance to beat the RAF, since they had been growing weak under the German attack, and would most likely have been done for if the bombing on the RAF had continued. The lack of rest of the Luftwaffe combined with the determination of the British forces brought the Battle of Britain to a stalemate. This terminated the might German air force, and prevented the Germans from completing Operation Sea Lion, a plan to invade England amphibiously, with minimal resistance. With the completion of the operation, the United States would have been less protected from a Nazi invasion. Another of Hitler’s most grievous mistakes was made in his decision at Dunkirk. The Allies experienced a great deal of fear about a German attack through Belgium after the downfalls of the Netherlands, Norway, Belgium, and Denmark to the Germans. The Allies dealt with the German 3-pronged attack, the main force traveling through the Ardennes Forest, the other two through Belgium and the Maginot Line. This surprise approach startled the Allies, mostly since the thought of massive tanks traveling through the Ardennes Forest was incredible. This German movement pushed the Allies to Dunkirk, a location on the English Channel. Hitler then commanded the German forces to turn around, deciding that the Luftwaffe were more suitable to finish the job and win the battle. The Luftwaffe had minimal success after a dense fog obstructing the vision of the Luftwaffe and making it possible for the British to escape to safety. This mistake was prodigious– Hitler’s decision prevented the Germans from wiping out the British army. If this had occurred, Germany would have had a great opportunity to invade Britain amphibiously. However, Hitler did not take advantage of the opportunity, and missed out. Hitler’s â€Å"Rape of the Ukraine† was his most critical of blunders. From the perspective of the Slavs, the Germans seemed to be liberators, come to save the people from the cruel jurisdiction of Stalin. If Hitler had used this to his advantage, he could have had more manpower in his attack of Moscow. Instead, he looked at the Slavs as mongrels, an inferior race. The Ukraines also had more experience dealing with the Russian winter and terrain. However Hitler was unable to look past his prejudice, and shipped the Slavs off to concentration camps to be exterminated. Hitler took their food and treated them uncivilly. Had he done right by these people, he would have gained troops to help in his attack in Moscow, and obtained an ability to use all of his men to defend the Western front, since threats along the Eastern front could have been removed. Adolf Hitler had an uncanny ability to influence immense crowds of people, but his lack of ability in the area of commanding military forces with well thought out strategy essentially led to the downfall of the Germans in World War II. Hitler’s execution of military movements was less then valiant. He made his biggest errors in the Battle of Britain, and his actions at Dunkirk and the Ukraine. This pushed the Germans to an eventual defeat. Hitler’s Third Reich lasted twelve years, and he was never capable of gaining access to the control and influence of the entire world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Humanism and the Renaissance Essay

Founded on the ideals of Italian scholar and poet Francesco Petrarca during the late fourteenth century, Renaissance humanism centered itself on humanity’s potential for achievement. Although God is credited for creating the universe, human beings are the ones credited for developing and sustaining it. The shift was away from understanding the world through faith and towards a broader intellectual and scientific understanding of it. A humanist, in this context, was simply a teacher whose curriculum focused on the liberal arts. By the mid-fifteenth century, this curriculum evolved to include rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history and moral philosophy (or ethics). Together these individual disciplines comprised the core of humanistic studies. But the ideas introduced were not altogether new. Humanists relied on primary sources such as the classical literature of Greece and Rome. What is remarkable, however, are the great lengths to which the movement sought to recover and reintroduce old ideas to the present times. It is remarkable when considering that after the fall of Rome in the fifth century much of the texts housing ideas central to humanistic thought were virtually lost or buried in obscurity. Ancient ideas within these classical texts were considered crucial because humanists considered the ancient world the pinnacle of human achievement and thought its human accomplishments should serve as the model for contemporary Europe. After the fall of Rome, human progress and achievement slowed to a trickle. Western civilization became mired in a period of cultural decline that the Renaissance mind considered a â€Å"dark age† in human history. The only way out was a return to the ideas propelling the ancient world forward. It was, in essence, a trip back to the future. Humanism profoundly affected the artistic community and how artists themselves were perceived. The medieval mind viewed artists as humble servants whose talent and ability were meant to honor God. This is evident in the work of medieval artists adorning churches and cathedrals. Renaissance artists, in contrast, were trained intellectuals – well versed in the classics and mathematical principles. And the art that they created reflected this newfound perspective. The Renaissance also gave birth to a new class in the social order – the merchant class which closely resembles what we now refer to as the middle class. And this merchant class had the means to commission an artist’s services. This dramatically expanded the sources of patronage (i. e. financial support) as well as the themes an artist could consider. No longer was patronage a luxury only the aristocracy could afford. And no longer were commissions relegated primarily to religious considerations. Enlightened citizens with the means to afford it considered artistic patronage an important activity. And with expanded participation, new kinds of art were introduced into the Renaissance landscape. Aristocratic patrons often commissioned portraits. But much of the art commissioned at the time was at the patronage of the merchant class. This art was primarily secular in nature – including mythological subject matter – and adorned the halls and rooms of town homes and country villas. Citizens such as Cosimo de’ Medici were civic minded and supported notable worthwhile causes. De’ Medici supported libraries, for example. He also had a fondness for the work of the artist Donatello and an interest in merging Plato’s ideals with Christian philosophy in an effort to demonstrate how life’s spiritual aspects can overcome physical limitations (leading to a revival of Neo-Platonism). Cosimo’s grandson – Lorenzo the Magnificent – was an avid art collector and benefactor to a young Michelangelo. This underscored the benefit of associating intellectual pursuits with the resources to pursue them. It cast a wide social net along with establishing a thriving market place for creativity. One work of art that embodies the ideal of the Early Italian Renaissance is Donatello’s â€Å"Penitent Magdalene. † The work was commissioned between the late 1430s and 1450s. It is a life-size polychromed wood sculpture. The contrapposto positioning (one leg bearing weight with the other relaxed) is a reference to classic Greek style. The work presents Mary Magdalene as a sympathetic figure who has paid her dues in life. It is an emotionally moving piece. Once a prostitute, Mary evolved to become one of Jesus Christ’s most devout followers and trusted confidants. She was the first person to whom Jesus appeared after the Crucifixion. Afterwards, however, she lived her life in perpetual penance and self-imposed suffering to atone for the sins in life she committed. The sculpture presents Mary as old and frail with few hints of her long lost and forgotten beauty. What does remain to remind us that this was once a strong and beautiful presence to behold is a refined bone structure, the contrapposto pose and long hair. But the trembling hands raised as if in prayer and tattered dress convey that this woman has suffered long enough. She is deserving of forgiveness and compassion. This is the work of an artist well versed not only in the spiritual origin of this woman’s story, but our own sense of humanity and what we may aspire to.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How can we reduce the energy use of computing Essay

How can we reduce the energy use of computing - Essay Example Yeang talks about many features in his article which can effectively help in reducing the level of energy consumption as a result of computer usage (2009). Blackle is one such feature which is meant to provide a front end to Google with black background. Now, more energy is consumed by displaying a white screen than is consumed by a black screen which helps people in adopting an eco-friendly attitude while still having an access to all the information needed by Google. This may appear to be an action of a very ordinary nature, but â€Å"this small tweak to Google has a potential to save 750 Megawatt hours a year.   As of now, they’ve already saved more than a million watt hours with this tool† (Yeang, 2009). According to the shocking facts revealed in a research report regarding energy consumption as a result of desktop computers left on even when they are not being used, â€Å"the energy used by 1,000 workstations in one year is equivalent to 880 barrels of oil, or 43,180 gallons of gasoline† (Stevens, 2008). Now, it is further revealed in the report that consumption of energy on such a large scale results in the release of about 380 tons of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere, which hugely lays stress on the need to promote greenwashing. Greenwashing refers to the practice of urging the businesses to make their operations eco-friendly and promoting eco-friendly product features. If 380 tons of carbon dioxide gas gets released into the atmosphere, as mentioned earlier, then such energy consumption results in costing the government more than $90,000 if those 1000 desktop computers always remain on. Energy wastage at such a huge level resulting in costing such a huge number of do llars and release of tons of poisonous gases in the atmosphere can simply be reduced significantly by switching off the desktop computers when they are not being used

Sunday, July 28, 2019

High Powered Money Multiplier to Credit Creation Essay

High Powered Money Multiplier to Credit Creation - Essay Example The high power money multiplier is based on some assumptions, partial fulfillment and non-fulfillment which impact on income generations. Some of the assumptions include; the supply of goods should be adequate, level of investment should be maintained, the economy should be closed and unchanged marginal propensity to consume. High power multiplier has both advantages and limitations to the economy. When money is deposited into the bank by clients, the money is usually given out to other people in need of loans. The bank ends up getting interests in return. The rule associated with banking usually allows them to set aside some money referred to as reserve. The capital set aside by the bank is important in ensuring the daily cash needs of the bank are met (Steindl, 2010). It also ensures the depositors who come back to the bank to withdraw their money are accounted for. Such kind of banking is known as fractional reserve banking. Due to the reason of loaning out that the depositors’ funds by the company, a money multiplier effect usually result. To an individual the benefits are also withstanding. Through money multiplier an individual is able to acquire a loan from the bank for the purpose of expanding his business. The bank also offers protection and security to the deposited money. The high power money multiplier can aid in capital leverage. It ensures for example, the bank is able to make a lot of money out of the little money spent at the start. The individuals too are able to benefit (Bomhoff, 2008). If 10% is the reserve requirement, a bank may lend out $90 of $100 deposited by the customer. The $ 90 can also be lent to someone else who deposits the same amount to the next bank. The bank in receivership can lend out $81 dollars of the am ount deposited. The initial deposit of $100 can be expanded through the banking system as the process proceeds.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Core Benefits of Converse Chucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Core Benefits of Converse Chucks - Essay Example When being produced in the USA, Converse, a company based in the USA, could observe quality control better. The second risk is a loss of control over the Converse product to a certain extent. For example, Indian products might not have the same appearance as an original American product. The first benefit would be the globalization of the product. Instead of selling a product to only Americans, the Converse brand can sell worldwide. The second benefit would be cheaper production in India. Â  marketed its products in approximately 110 countries outside of the United States through subsidiaries, branch offices, independent distributors, and licensees. Non-U.S. sales accounted for 31% of total net sales in 2000. (CVEO Corp.) Â  4. Identify 5 sources of brand equity for Converse and Chuck Taylor AllStars? Basketball shoes are one source of brand equity for Chuck Taylor AllStars. The history of Chuck Taylor AllStars is another source of brand equity. The affordability of Converse is a source of brand equity. The retro/rebel image of Converse is a source of brand equity. Finally, the durability of the brand name is brand equity. Even though Converse went through bankruptcy, the name is known worldwide and in almost every American home. Â  5. Research the current position of Converse in the marketplace. Has it changed strategy since the case was written? If so, how? If not, why do you think they haven’t? Support your answer with an explanation and a source from online research. I believe that the strategy since this case was written is being brought to fruition. Under Nike’s leadership, Converse is growing and thriving.

Friday, July 26, 2019

PDP - Personal Development Portfolio Assignment

PDP - Personal Development Portfolio - Assignment Example Weaknesses 1. Reduced ability to analyze the concepts and the ideas in implementation of lecture information and data. 2. Experience with poor paper work due to poor personal organization, 3. Easily got bored with education –lecture and seminar as well as other routine work 4. Poor comprehensive planning skills – preferred to use lesson plans rather than class notes 5. Poor skills needed in comprehension of text provided during classroom lectures and orientation seminars Opportunities 1. There was a new path direction in the career 2. New and imitating challenge also grew bigger 3. Gained a lot of experience in different environments as well as gaining less restraints 4. There is no firm career progression as well as better earnings prospects existed. 5. Existed more autonomy in the career prospects Threats 1. There was not training qualifications 2. The experience in management lacked 3. Unaccustomed to work in different working environment 4. Lacked commercial experie nce to compete extensively 5. Many trainers were aiming the job market SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Interest in technology and science Working to polish a career I require a first-class academic locale and attention in scientific acquaintance. It is also vital to keep posted and examination for once familiarity against knowledge (Brennan, 2003). Good communication A good communication skill is needed in order to be able to communicate with the career team and also to direct and encourage client. Comfort in using complex equipment Career seekers work with modern equipments and technology. Careful concentration to detail Good powers of surveillance are needed and must pay nearby awareness to produce and detail exceedingly precise work even when underneath pressure. Noble interpersonal skills Direct connection with team members; i must be responsible, kind and have a sociable and proficient stance towards work and other members. Contented to labor as a team Functioning as chunk o f a team whose shared focus is the meeting goals and objectives. i require to identify how all these dissimilar populace intertwine and get pleasure from functioning as a team. PROGRESS MADE Get a learning company. I got a job at a company well-known in its business for raising its people. When I work for this kind of company, I am registered in a constant expansion program that goes past the scientific skills needed for your present role. This creates a great base for a triumphant career (Gordon, 2006). Remain tech-savvy- I forced myself to keep mechanical skills existing, even if fresh developments don't appear openly associated to my career job. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO DO Thinking global- In several industries; physical barriers to business are receiving less relevance. Co-worker, customers and stakeholders at the present and upcoming can be from everywhere in the world. I require obtaining the skill to work inside the global marketplace. Maintain a accomplishment journal. The mom ent to begin assessment concerning actions and skills should not be at the time one searching for a new-fangled job (Brockbank, 1998). Edifice and uphold expert network. One should be raising associations with people both outside and within organization. This populace will be helpful as the view of work alters. IMPORTANT THINGS NEEDED IN OBTAINING A JOB Assess and assert your strengths on a recurrent basis. Build up sensible and attainable

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Broad environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Broad environment - Essay Example When the economy experiences a downward trend, people tend to cut down on their eating out activities and as such, the sales of the restaurants are directly impacted. This is because, spending in restaurants is considered to be a leisure activity due to which the priority to save money by cutting down on these activities are higher (American Business, 2011). Consumer activism with respect to the restaurant sector of the US is high and as such the restaurants operating in this segment have to concentrate on continually adhering to the existing consumer demands and preferences so that a higher level of sustainability is achieved in the businesses (Glickman, 2009). There have been major regional shifts in the population of the United States noted in the last few years. This phenomenon has changed the patterns in which the restaurant industry hires people. The employment patterns have changed with an increase in the influx of diverse groups of employees into the restaurant industry of th e country. Considering the interest rates and the banking trends remain a first financial priority for the restaurants in the United States. Also, the restaurants have to continuously adapt to the economic change so as to ensure higher sustainable competitive advantage (Chibng, 2011). The technological changes have also become a crucial influencer of the functioning trends of the restaurant segment. The advent of new technologies has facilitated different ways of reducing operational costs and achieving higher efficiency levels in the restaurants services. The new cooking technologies and equipment makes it possible for the restaurant businesses to reduce the cost of operating and create higher levels of consumer service and consequently enhance the consumer experiences. The use of new technologies, robots and electronic gadgets for operating the manual equipment used for cooking food and disturbing food in the restaurants has become a high

Leadership and Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership and Management - Assignment Example Conflict in business organizations is a common phenomenon that can arise from various reasons and in between different members of the organization, be it between the leaders and the employees, among the co-workers, or between the organizational members and the customers (Ingram 2013). Need for conflict management through effective leadership and management is thus highly essential for every business organization. The present study focuses on an understanding of conflict handling in business organizations through effective leadership and management, based on a scenario of conflict in a chosen business organization. Scenario: ABC Company Limited is a software company performing more than a decade and has successfully achieved its position in BPOs and software development companies. The financial and technical background of the company is very strong and the skilled manpower of the company is focused on to providing its customers with the best of software products and services. Thus com mitment and goodwill are two essential factors that the management team of the company takes significant concern of. A, B, C, D and E are the members of the organization and hold different positions. ... According to E, while B provided them with all instructions for the completion of the project they were working on, D was arrogant and acting as a boss when B was not around. E also complained that D treated E in a manner as if E was working under D and not as another team member. E was highly disappointed and wanted to get out of the particular project as he thought he was nothing less in capabilities than D, and that if B was the project head, E was only supposed to follow B. A found that the project should not get hindered for any such conflicts among the members, and asked B and C to immediately resolve all issues, such that the work on the project could continue. Since the completion of the project was very important, B and C decided to separate D and E, and put E on a different project, where the other member working was new in the company, and hence were expected not to create any issue. The interactions between the members are provided in Appendix A. Conflict Handling  œ Management Theories: Conflicts in business organizations, as the above mentioned scenario describes, occur when two or more individuals working together differ in their behavior and attitudes that are reflected in their opinions and actions, affecting the others. Conflicts in interpersonal relationships need to be handled strategically otherwise which the relations might be affected, affecting the organizational goals as a whole. It is extremely essential that organizational employees have respect for each other (Managing Conflict in Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace 2013). The Conflict Process: There are usually many stages that complete the conflict process. Sources lead to the conflict that is followed by different

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

See instructions below Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

See instructions below - Term Paper Example strategy. The strategy will build on the company’s controlling positions in the market and in turn put them in a great position that will enable them improve profits over time. There are several important factors in the retail business that determine the success or failure of any business. Among them is advertising, product, distribution, pricing, and so on. Even so, pricing remains salient of these factors since it is the only one that generates revenue for the business. Most managers focused on product marketing considered all the other marketing aspects but gave pricing afterthought throughout the strategizing process. Currently, a lot of firms have adopted the guide throughout their pricing process and have seen incredible optimization of the whole marketing process bringing in profits and maintaining a competitive advantage. Wal-Mart, Target, and Amazon are some of the most successful firms in the world. Actually, all top in their specific line of business. Amazon retails goods throughout the world through the internet while Wal-Mart chain is the most successful retailer in the world. Both are household names. The three firms have taken advantage of p ricing as a strategy to increase sales and boost their revenue. As will be discussed later in the paper, pricing is an imperative factor in marketing and has colossal impacts on sale of goods and services. Even if a company adopts the other marketing strategies (advertising, product, and distribution) efficiently, ineffective pricing can have detrimental effects on the financial status of a company. While most firms know that this is the case, research shows that pricing as a strategy is continually being poorly adopted. Researchers and economists such as Thomas T. Nagle have, as a result, sought to create a universal guide where business men and company executives can borrow ideas from if they want to execute

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sartres Impact of Divine Absence in Existentialism Essay

Sartres Impact of Divine Absence in Existentialism - Essay Example Sartre divides his theory of existence into two basic categories, which he refers to as "en-soi" (in-itself) and "pour-soi" (for-itself), both of which are derived from his theory of consciousness. En-soi existence is a classification of solid things, that is, everyday objects or substances that exist completely by themselves. This explanation becomes clearer in comparison to the category of pour-soi, which is a being of consciousness that defines itself because it is not something else. Pour-soi recognizes a distance between itself and something that is not itself, a nothingness in between the two, while at the same time being conscious of itself. Being for-itself can only exist through consciousness of an outside object. This act of distance is a state of nothing unique to the consciousness of humans, for through this act of separation, one raises questions and realizes possibilities of what is "not" (i.e. a quality lacking from the situation or environment). For example, should an individual be hungry, they can imagine a future time when they will no longer be hungry. This example can be applied to anything the human mind can imagine. It is the meaning behind Sartre's statement that "the self as not being what it is and being what it is not", because the conscious mind chooses not to accept the reality of what "is", but instead work towards the possibility of what currently "is not". Sartre uses the example of a friend not being at a caf, stating that although the caf is there, he recognizes his friend's absence, thereby inserting an amount of negativity, or nothingness, to the restaurant. By imagining a lack of something, one distances oneself from the world. This nothingness, or lack, that has been inserted into the caf tableau is actually therefore a projection of the nothingness within oneself. The power of conscious negation in this sense is synonymous with freedom - freedom to imagine the possible and, therefore, freedom to actualize the possibility. The state of being conscious demands the self to constantly choose both belief and action. Sartre's approach that consciousness is free at all times is in direct conflict with Freud's model of the unconscious: consciousness is instead transparent and must make a choice in the here and now, regardless of what has happened in the past. However, this does not mean that the self, as subject, cannot be objectified. The most direct route to this relates to Sartre's example of someone caught looking through a keyhole. Through recognition that another consciousness is regarding the self in an objective manner, whether it be quantitative of the physical self's facticity (such as height, weight, ethnicity, et cetera) or judgmentally (as in assumption of purpose), the self is forced to recognize itself in an equally objective manner. The self in turn defends itself by objectifying the other consciousness. While humans are able to act upon possibilities to make them a reality, they cannot change their essence. Sartre admits that one can choose a life project - in his case, writing - but that the very act of defining oneself is "bad faith", in that it is either 1)

Monday, July 22, 2019

War and its biggest casualty Essay Example for Free

War and its biggest casualty Essay Irene Zabytzko’s â€Å"Home Soil† is a painful reminder of how we often commit the mistake of equating patriotism with going into war, ignorant and often unmindful of the emotional and psychological trauma that war creates not only on those who fight in it but also on the families, friends, lovers, and even acquaintances left behind. Indeed, there is a tendency for people, especially those in power, to measure the effects and the impacts of war based on the number of cities captured and the number of ammunitions spent. It neglects the all-too human side of wars, the limbs and bodies strewn about as a result of grenade blasts, the terror that soldiers feel as they feel their own death foreshadowing them, and the suffering that entire families and communities have to endure with the loss of a loved one. If anything, war teaches us to dissociate ourselves from humanity. As American soldiers’ war experiences in Vietnam shows, it brings out the worst aspects of human beings instead of molding them into the best persons they could have been. It teaches individuals and entire countries to enjoy rage and nightmarish scenes, as body bag upon body bag of dead soldiers return home and the number of widows and orphans pile up. It teaches selfishness as those who lost their loved ones feel only their pain and loss and renders them numb to the pain and loss that those on the enemy’s side must at the same time be feeling. While the images of war shown by the media tend to show the heroism and the courage of soldiers, people must be critical enough to see beyond the superficiality of the images shown and explore instead those that have been cut out because they were considered unfit for viewing. As entire cities and cultures are destroyed by bombs and bullets, the question of where the people of these cities have gone to and their condition should jar us from the complacency with which we watch tanks, bombs, and soldiers ruin not only buildings and infrastructure but also the hopes and dreams of the people who lived and occupied these spaces. Indeed, it is with the numbing of our ability to emphatize with the culture of other people and other civilizations different from our own that is war’s greatest casualty. It is this loss of guilt, of feeling a false sense of triumph as abundant valleys are turned into blackened cemeteries, that we loss our humanity. As both camps of the warring forces come to terms with the rising number of â€Å"collateral damage,† it is the loss of innocent lives that haunt most; it is therefore not surprising for many of those who fought in these wars to come home and suffer from psychological disorders from the trauma of witnessing horrific and inhuman actions or at times committing these themselves. Zabytzko’s story therefore becomes more poignant as more and more conflicts arise from the pursuit of American and other developed nations’ strategic interests in economic development and the fact that a lot have been fought and are continued to be fought after Vietnam. Lest the people forget that war leaves scars not only on the individual but also on our collective memories. No matter when or how it is fought, war will always claim lives and that its biggest casualty will always be none other than our collective conscience.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Overview Of Chicago Blues Music Essay

Overview Of Chicago Blues Music Essay Chicago blues is a form of blues music that developed in Chicago, Illinois. It is also referred to as urban blues or electric blues What Is the Blues, n.d.. Chicago blues replaced acoustic instruments with amplified versions and the basic guitar/harmonica duo of Delta blues turned into a full band with amplified guitar, amplified bass guitar, drums, piano, and sometimes saxophone and trumpet (Gordon, n.d.). What we consider to be the classic Chicago blues sound today developed during the 1940s and 50s (Gordon, n.d.). The twelve-bar form, variations on the blues chord progression, and emotive lyrical content remain relatively unchanged today (What Is the Blues, n.d.). Chicago blues was strongly influenced by soul, rhythm and blues, and rock music (Gordon, n.d.). A lot influenced Chicago blues. The earliest geographic origins of the blues are uncertain, given the multiple versions appearing across the African American South near the turn of the century. In Chicago, the emergence of blues culture in the 1920s coincided with increased musical performance and recording nationwide and paralleled the dramatic growth of black urban enclaves during the Great Migration (Green, Keil, and Palmer, n.d.). The Great Migration that lasted from 1910 to 1970, where African-American workers moved from the South to the industrial cities of the North (Hahn et. al., 2009). During World War II, more and more African-Americans migrated to northern states like St. Louis, Detroit, and Chicago to find jobs and better opportunities for their families (Gordon, n.d.). After World War II, musicians starting using electrified instruments, Chicago was the first to use these (What Is the Blues, n.d.). In the 1940s, some blues musicians started using the saxophone, but the p reference was for amplified harmonicas, especially in Chicago (What Is the Blues, Blues 3 n.d.). The Chicago blues sounded more full-bodied than its country cousin, the music pulling from broader musical possibilities, reaching beyond the standard six-note blues scale to incorporate major scale notes (Gordon, n.d.). The west side Chicago blues sound was characterized by a more fluid, jazz-influenced style of guitar playing and a full-blown horn section, while the south side blues sound was often more raw and raucous (Gordon, n.d.). In the 1950s Chicago was a prime center of blues recording (What Is the Blues, n.d.). There were a certain number of record labels that specialized in Chicago blues. The most famous being Chess Records, which produced Checker Records, a subsidiary (Gordon, n.d.). Chess Records was founded in 1950 by the brothers Phil and Leonard Chess (Gordon, n.d.). The oldest independent record label in the United States is Delmark Records, which was formed by Bob Koester in 1953 as Delmar and specializes in jazz and blues music (Gordon, n.d.). The top blues music label today is considered Alligator Records, launched by Bruce Iglauer in 1971, and still discovers and supports new talent in the blues and blues-rock genres (Gordon, n.d.). After the war, a big part of blues popularization were black-appeal disc jockeys, such as Al Benson and Big Bill Hill, who made sure that records released by Chess and other labels received public exposure (Green, n.d.). A number of blues musicians were among the people who migrated to Chicago. The most famous, and the first virtuoso, of the bottleneck/slide guitarists was Houston Tampa Red Woodbridge, who arrived in Chicago, from Florida, in 1925 and was one of the first black instrumentalists to make a recording. Unlike other southern bluesmen, whose playing was modal and in minor keys, Tampa Reds shimmering, clean style was influenced by ragtime and jug bands (Scaruffi, 2007). Big Bill Broonzy, also known as the star of Blues 4 Chicago, arrived in 1928, was known also among white audiences as far as New York (Scaruffi, 2007). Lizzie Memphis Minnie Douglas, a female guitarist, arrived in Chicago in 1933 (Scaruffi, 2007). Tampa Red, Big Bill Broonzy, and Memphis Minnie were among the first generation of Chicago blues artists, and they paved the way for newcomers like Muddy Waters, Little Walter, and B.B. King (Gordon, n.d.). The distinctive sound of these artists restructured popular music, providing fundamental elements for subsequent genres like soul and rock and roll (Green, n.d.). During the 1970s, new blues musicians were coming out and there were many styles of Chicago Urban Blues (Chicago Blues Foundation, 1996). During the 1940s, famous clubs such as Silvios, Gatewoods Tavern, the Flame Club, and the 708 opened up on the South Side and the West Side, serving as community centers for arriving migrants (Green, n.d.). In the late 1970s and early 1980s, control of the clubs began to pass from the original neighborhood owners or management to other interests and some of the Chicago Urban Blues legends began to pass away, and a rich part of blues history passed too (Chicago Blues Foundation, 1996). Old clubs have been joined by new businesses serving the tourist industry and predominantly white fans of blues (Green, n.d.). In 1975, Chess went out of business, by which time most older clubs were closing down (Green, n.d.). In 1984 Chicago inaugurated an annual blues festival (Green, n.d.). Blues is an African-American music that transverses a wide range of emotions and musical styles. Feeling blue is expressed in songs whose verses lament injustice or express longing for a better life, and lost loves, jobs, and money. But blues is also a raucous dance Blues 5 music that celebrates pleasure and success. Central to the idea of blues performance is the concept that, by performing or listening to the blues, one is able to overcome sadness and lose the blues (What Is the Blues, n.d.). For the performance part of my project, I went to Warmdaddys in Philadelphia on April 8th, 2011 to see Brass Heaven featuring Jeff Bradshaw. They definitely were not playing dinner time music. The instruments they used included an amplified bass, an electric guitar, trombones, the flugelhorn, a trumpet, a saxophone, drums, bongos, a cow bell, and chimes. They used all the instruments used in Chicago blues, except for the piano and they had a few extra instruments. I felt like it had a little Afro-Cuban mixed in with the congos, cow bell, and chimes. Parts had a little bit of a Latin feel. They had a marching band feel to them and even came off stage and went marching around all the tables. The loud trombone made it sound like a high school marching band. The white guy playing the saxophone was really good. I had never heard anyone play the trombone like that. They did a lot of solos. They had fast tempos that made you want to get up and dance. The atmosphere was a very welcoming and relaxed. The food was amazing. They had real southern cuisine. It was a new experience for me. It truly was a real southern rhythm and blues experience. I had a lot of fun and would definitely go back.

Drinking And Dining Philosophers Philosophy Essay

Drinking And Dining Philosophers Philosophy Essay The Dining Philosophers and Drinking Philosophers resolution problems are of very famous and of practical importance in Distributed systems to resolve conflicts between processes. It illustrates the problem of having multiple processes contending for multiple shared resources in the same time. However, the conflict resolution between processes usually happens in favor of some process against the other (victim process). Some solutions allow the processes to enter a deadlock situation and then recover from it by choosing that victim process. In this case, it is very important to make sure that the victim process selection is not always the same to ensure some sort of fairness in the system and prevent starvation from occurring. Other solutions dont allow the system to enter a deadlock situation from the beginning and so prevent the crash from happening at the first place. In this survey paper, we will discuss some of the different proposed solutions to that very famous problem and try to compare between them and find the advantages, disadvantages, and most suitable applications for each one. Introduction: Figure1. Dining Philosophers Problem The dining philosophers problem is a very old problem in concurrent computation. It can be described as having five philosophers sitting at a circular table doing one of two things: either eating or thinking. They sit at the circular table with a bowl of spaghetti in front of each philosopher. A fork is placed between each philosopher and his neighbor. A philosopher must eat with two forks. A philosopher can only use the forks next to him. The philosophers here represent processes in a distributed system. The philosophers never interact or talk to each other (there is no communication between the processes), which brings high possibility of deadlock situation when every philosopher holds a one fork and waits for the other one which is already held by his neighboring philosopher. A deadlock situation means having a set of processes each of which is waiting for one or more resources in order to continue its execution. However, one or more required resources are held by another process in the set forming a cycle in the wait-for graph (a graph connects the set of processes each of which pointing to the process currently holding the required resource). The problem is used to illustrate having a deadlock situation in a distributed system. It reaches a deadlock situation if it reaches a cycle of requests that were not granted. In this case, 1st philosopher is waiting for a fork held by 2nd philosopher, while 2nd one is waiting for a fork held by the 3rd one and so on, making a circular chain of non-granted requests to resources. Starvation is another issue that may occur and should be taken care of when resolving the conflicts between philosophers after reaching a deadlock situation. Starvation in general means to have a specific process utilizing some resource all the time without giving the chance to other processes to use that resource. In this case, the other processes are starving. In dining philosophers problem, this happens by selecting a victim philosopher and suspending him for a small amount of time and then let him try to grab the fork again. Starvation occurs if the same philosopher is always chosen as the victim. This depends on the mechanism used to resolve the conflict and recover from the deadlock situation. Drinking Philosophers Problem is very similar to the Dining philosophers problem with some differentiations. It is assumed that a number of philosophers are sitting next to each other (imagine the same round table as the dining philosophers problem). There is a bottle between each pair of neighboring philosophers. Each philosopher can start drinking at any time (concurrent execution of processes). However, when a drinking session is about to start for a philosopher, he needs a set of bottles. This means that he may need one of the two bottles next to him (on the left or on the right) or he may need both. If he needs both bottles to drink, he cannot start drinking until he grabs both bottles (resources). A solution is needed to this problem to coordinate the requests raised by each philosopher without preventing some special cases from occurring. For example, it may happen that all the philosophers want to drink at the same time and they all ask for the bottle on their left hand side. This is a valid case which should not be prevented by the solution algorithm because this prevents the processes from executing concurrently. There have been a lot of solutions proposed to the dining philosophers problem. One of them is the Waiter solution. It is a simple solution that introduces a waiter at the table. A philosopher who is willing to grab a fork will have to ask for the waiters permission. The waiter acts as the coordinator process since he knows the status of all the philosophers (processes) and the forks (resources) and can decide which request to grant and which request to refuse if it going to allow a deadlock to occur. Another solution is the Resource Hierarchy solution. It works by numbering the resources (forks) from 1 to 5. Each philosopher can start eating by requesting the lower-numbered fork before the higher-numbered one. If granted, he can continue to ask for the higher-numbered fork. When freeing the resources (forks), he will have to free the higher-numbered fork before the lower-numbered one allowing another philosopher who has already grabbed his lower-numbered fork to grab his higher-numbered fork and start eating. One very famous solution to that problem is to not let the philosopher eat unless his two neighboring philosophers are not eating. This is done by letting the philosopher check his right neighbor, if he is not eating, he goes and check his left neighbor, if he is not eating also, then he can start eating by grabbing the two forks. However, it is not that simple because his right neighbor could start eating while he is checking his left neighbor. This is done by using Mutual Exclusion locks (Monitors). Mutual Exclusion algorithms are used in distributed systems to prevent simultaneous use of common resources by using critical sections which are pieces of code that allow the process to access that shared resource without being interrupted by any other process or an event generated by the executing process itself. Monitors are used on the functions that change the Philosophers states so it guarantees that the state of the philosopher wont change while checking the state of the second on e. This solution is very similar to the solution which states that if the philosopher have been able to grab his right fork but could not grab his left fork, he should release the right fork since grabbing it without the left fork has no benefit. In fact, it affects the philosophers right neighbor since he cannot eat because his left fork is grabbed already (without any benefit) while his right fork can be free. In order for this solution to be useful, it is needed to assure that none of the philosophers are starving. This can be done by maintaining a counter for the maximum number of times that a philosopher has been prevented from eating so that a philosopher can be prevented from picking up a fork because his neighbor is starving. In this paper, we will go through different papers that propose different solutions with different characteristics for each one. The first solution was proposed by Chandy and Misra long time ago to let an arbitrary number of agents (philosophers) to be able to contend to an arbitrary number of resources (forks) using a completely distributed starvation-free algorithm. The second one solves the dining philosophers problem in the presence of malicious failures using a combination of stabilization and optimal crash failure locality. The third one solves the dining philosophers problem in the presence of faulty processes in the system with a crash locality 1 using partial synchrony. Chandy / Misra Solution: This solution was proposed in 1984 to support arbitrary number of processes (philosophers) to contend to arbitrary number of resources (forks); not necessarily two forks. The algorithm is totally distributed and requires no central authority after initialization like the solutions mentioned in the introduction part of this paper. Each fork has two states, dirty or clean. Initially, all forks are dirty. Whenever two philosophers try to contend for a fork, give it to the agency with the lower ID with a dirty state at the beginning. Whenever a philosopher wants a resource that is held by another one, he should send request messages to all the philosophers having the resources he needs. When a philosopher gets a request message from a contending one, he should give the fork to him if it is dirty, and keep the fork with him in case it is clean. Whenever a philosopher gives away a fork, he changes its state to be clean and frees the resource. When a philosopher uses a clean fork for eating, it becomes dirty. This solution has other benefits as well. It allows high degree of concurrency and can be used to solve large problems since there is no constraint on the number of processes or resources contended by them in the algorithm. The algorithm also solves the starvation problem by using the clean / dirty states for forks. It acts as a preference to give the fork to the most starved philosopher and delays the philosophers who have just eaten and are requesting the fork again. This algorithm is also called the Hygienic Dining Philosophers algorithm. It is considered one of the fundamental solutions to the dining philosophers problem. It is used as a basis for many other papers and researches to develop more resolution algorithms for the dining and drinking philosophers problem. Dining Philosophers that Tolerate Malicious Crashes: A Malicious Crash is a fault in a process due to a component or environmental failure that will lead to arbitrary behavior in that process by doing a finite number of arbitrary steps and then end all its operations without informing or alerting other processes in the system. The paper models malicious crashes by combining two types of failures, Halting Failures and Transient Failures. A Halting failure occurs when the failed process does not do anything due to the failure. A special case of this failure is the initially dead process where the failed process does not do anything throughout the whole operation of the system. A transient failure perturbs the system for a finite amount of time and then leaves the system in some arbitrary state. Stabilization algorithms are used to solve this type of failures since Stabilizing algorithms are able to start from any arbitrary incorrect state of the system, brings the system to a logically correct state, and makes it continue correct operati on thereafter. a non-malicious crash is called benign crash in this paper. It is assumed in the paper that the system could be asynchronous and though it is stated in other papers that the minimum crash locality that can be achieved in case of crashes in a dining philosophers system is 2 (the distance between the farthest process affected by the crashed process and the crashed process in 2). It is also mentioned that it is very difficult to identify a crashed process from a slow one in an asynchronous system. It is known only if the failure is a fail-stop (a type of Halting Failure where other processes know when that process failed). The algorithm works by introducing a priority between each pair of processes in the dining philosophers system. This is done by assigning a direction for the link between each pair of philosophers. This direction identifies the direct ancestors and descendants of each process in the system. The directed links are assigned in such a way that prevents having cycles in the graph (the graph is acyclic). A hungry process will eat only if its direct ancestors are not hungry (maintaining priorities in the progress condition of the algorithm). Also, when a hungry process is done eating, it changes its priority to become the descendant of all its neighbors by changing the directions of the links. A deadlock is not possible to occur in this case since the algorithm would make sure that the directed links do not form a cycle in the dependency graph. Having a dependency graph may violate the liveness property if having long chains of waiting processes and one of the waiting processes crashes. The liveness property can be violated also if the dependency graph contained a cycle at any point of time. To break the cycle, each process knows about the distance between itself and its farthest descendant. If at any point in time, and in any process, that value exceeded the diameter of the system (the number of processes in the system), then this process detects a cycle and will make itself the descendant of all its neighbors to break that cycle. It is assumed that the diameter of the system is known to all processes when the system starts its operation. Dining Philosophers with Crash Locality 1: Crash Locality is a quantity that refers to the maximum number of neighboring processes affected by a failure that occurred in the crashing process. Optimal crash locality would be 0 (no neighboring processes affected at all) in fully synchronized systems. It usually degrades to crash locality 2 when dealing with asynchronous systems. This algorithm proposes a solution with crash locality 1 (only one neighbor is affected by a process crash) using partial synchrony in the system. Partial synchrony is a mid-level of synchrony between full synchrony and asynchrony. Full synchrony means having all the processes executing the same line of code in the same time. Asynchrony means having no connection or relation of any type between the processes while execution. Partial synchrony means to have reliable channels between the processes without the guarantee of the exact concurrent execution for all the processes. The algorithm reaches its result at the end by having all the hungry processes in the system either eating or having a crashed process in its 1-neighborhood (the processes that are direct neighbor to that process). This is achieved by using the eventually perfect failure detector -P. The failure detector would act as a distributed module where each process has access only to its own local module where it can identify if it has crashed or not. On the other hand, the detector modules communicate with each other to let each process know about the processes which have crashes. The detector may make mistakes. It can suspect a correct process to have crashes (false-positive) or not suspect a crashing process (false-negative). However, after some point, the detector will converge (said to be well-founded) and provide correct information about crashes in the system. After convergence, the detector will remain well-founded thereafter. The algorithm works using the Skepticism concept. This means that the processes within the 1-neighborhood of the crashing process would be skipped (the process is called skeptical). Also, a skeptical process should not prevent its neighbor from eating if this neighbor is hungry and is not the crashing process. In other words, if we have a crashing process, its direct neighbors would be skeptical but the direct neighbors of its direct neighbors should not be affected by the processs crash by this algorithm since our main objective is to limit the crash locality to exactly 1 (only the direct neighbors of the crashing process would be affected by the crash). The algorithm is not a fixed simple list of steps to be executed. It defines a general method for limiting the crash locality to 1 by introducing a set of steps that would depend on the dining algorithm being transformed to support the crash locality condition. However, it uses the same general concept among all the algorithms. The algorithm assumes that each philosopher is in the state of eating, hungry, or thinking. Also, a philosopher wont be eating unless he becomes hungry first. Another thing is that the transition to the thinking state occurs only from the eating state. On the other hand, a philosopher wont prevent his neighbors from eating if he was in the thinking state. This means that if there is a crashing process, and its direct neighbors are being affected by that crash, implementing and insuring that those direct neighbors are in the thinking state wont prevent the other philosophers from eating and so the dining philosophers algorithm will continue its normal execution with only 1-neighborhood philosophers of the crashing philosopher affected by that crash. Comparison: Any dining philosopher solution should maintain the following 2 conditions: Safety: No neighboring philosophers could eat in the same time. No deadlock situation should occur between the philosophers. Liveness: every hungry philosopher will eventually eat (given that no hungry philosopher will eat forever). There are a lot of algorithms that have been introduced in this field. In the previous sections of the paper, we went through 3 different dining philosophers algorithms, Hygienic Algorithm, Dining Philosophers with Crash Locality 1, and Dining Philosophers that tolerate malicious crashes. Each one has its own assumptions and characteristics and so is applicable in some situations or systems that other algorithms are not. The Hygienic algorithm (Chandy / Misra solution) is one of the basic and fundamental solutions to the dining philosophers. Its main advantage is that it implements the prioritization by introducing a variable with 2 possible states for each fork; clean or dirty. This insures the liveness property and that no starvation would occur since the forks would be given to the most starved process in the system. On the other hand, this algorithm does not have any way of tolerating crashes in the system or at least limiting the circle of affected processes by a crash in the system. As a result to that, this algorithm cannot be used in a fault-tolerant system or any system that is due to crashes or failures. The second algorithm in this paper is the Dining Philosophers That Tolerate Malicious Crashes. This algorithm presents a new concept by assuming that the links between the neighboring philosophers are directed which would refer to having priorities between the different processes in the system and so avoid starvation. However, this algorithm adds a very important contribution to the regular dining philosophers algorithm by combining two concepts, Stabilization and Crash Locality. Stabilization in the algorithm works by having a crash in the system (a malicious failure as defined in the paper) and the diners algorithm would continue its execution without being affected by the crash. The crash locality in this algorithm is limited to 2. This means that maximum distance between the crashed process and the farthest affected process by that crash is 2. The algorithm works in asynchronous model of the system where no synchrony of any mean is existing between the processes in the system (every process will execute its code without knowledge about execution of every other process). The third algorithm in this paper is Dining Philosophers with Crash Locality 1. This algorithm uses Failure Detectors. A Failure Detector is a program that will eventually (after multiple runs) identify failures in the processes in the system and can inform all the other processes about the crashed process. By using this failure detector, the algorithm is able to identify the location of the crashed process and so can identify its direct neighbors. Assuming that each process is in the state of eating, thinking, or hungry, it forces the direct neighbors of the crashed process to be in the thinking state in order not to prevent their neighbors from eating and so the processes in the system will continue their execution perfectly. Note that as a part of any dining philosophers algorithm, a process cannot be in the thinking state unless it was in the eating state before. This transition is also maintained by the algorithm. By introducing some additional set of steps to the original dining philosophers algorithm, the new algorithm limits the crash locality to 1 using the previously mentioned mechanism. The additional set of steps added to do that is dependent upon the original algorithm being transformed. The paper provides transformation for 3 main dining philosophers algorithms: Asynchronous Doorway Algorithm, Hierarchical Resource Allocation Algorithm, and Hygienic Dining Philosophers Algorithm which is the first algorithm we talked about in this survey. The algorithm assumes that the system is supported by partial synchrony (not necessarily executing the same step in the same time, but there is a reliable communication channels between neighbors). Conclusion: As discussed in this paper, the dining and drinking philosophers problem is a very old and important problem in the distributed computing field. It was first introduced by Dijkstra and then used by many other researches as a general problem for illustrating mutual exclusion and resource sharing and allocation problem. A lot of algorithms have been introduced to resolve this problem with many options and assumptions which makes each proposed algorithm suitable for specific applications. In this paper, we have introduced the problem with some of the fundamental and very old solutions for it in the Introduction section. Then, we introduced 3 main algorithms for dining philosophers problem resolution. The first one is the Hygienic algorithm (Misra / Chandy solution). It is one of the first algorithms proposed for this problem. It has crash tolerance mechanism but provides priorities between processes and prevents starvation in the system. The second algorithm was a dining philosophers algorithm that tolerates malicious crashes. The algorithm works in an asynchronous system of processes and makes sure that the dining philosophers system wont crash even if a malicious crash hit a process in the system. This is done by having virtual directed links between neighboring processes to have sort of prioritization between the processes provided that the directed links should not form a cycle at all. The third algorithm was the dining philosophers with crash locality 1. This algorithm combines stabilization by allowing the system to have a crashed process while the system continues to operate correctly. Also, it provides a limit on the maximum number of processes affected by any crash in any process (Crash Locality) to be the direct neighbors of the crashing process only without letting the crash affect any other process in the system. At the end, we have combined them together into one section to list the advantages, disadvantages, assumptions, and best suitable application for each algorithm included in this paper in the comparison section.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

War in Iraq Essay -- essays research papers

War in Iraq   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Picture this, you, in a 3rd world country, no friends no family for thousands of miles, hungry, not feeling so well, tired, exhausted and being forced to fight thousands of people who want you out of there country? Fun? I wouldn’t think so†¦ This is a reality for thousands of American Soldiers stationed in Iraq and maybe your reality if the draft is reinstated. Now, picture this. You’re watching the news, they are calling out birthdays, oh they choose yours, but uh oh this is for a draft. You are now being shipped over to Iraq to fight with out choice. Easy as that. But what are you fighting for? Freedom, safety, your country? Maybe†¦ But the war is costing your home country 140 billion dollars so far and so far killed 1101 American Soldiers and we found no weapons of mass destruction or anything else that brought us to war in the 1st place. So good luck†¦   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yes the war in Iraq is costing our country over 140 billion, so far†¦ Our state almost 5 billion dollars and our city 58.5 million dollars! This is unfair. We could have fully funded global anti-hunger efforts for 5 years, fully funded world wide AIDS programs for 14 years, built 1,300,000 homes for the homeless, put 19,000,000 kids into preschool, gave 85,000,000 kids health insurance for a whole year or even gave out 7,000,000 4-year scholarships to students at public universities! Instead we are at war. With all that money we could of made this country...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Life vs Novel: How Hemingways Life Affected his Writing :: History

Life vs Novel: How Hemingway's Life Affected his Writing Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois during the summer of eighteen ninety-nine. During his sixty-one years of life he wrote many famous novels and novellas. One thing he said in his life that made his readers see where his stories came from was a comment made to fellow writer F. Scott Fiztgerald. â€Å"If something in life hurts you, he said, you should use it in your writing.† ( The difficult experiences that Hemingway endured throughout his own life, whether consciously or unconsciously, inserted in this novel is what lists it among his artistic achievements. Hemingway joined the Italian Red Cross as an ambulance driver during WWI. During his time in Italy he was injured by a trench mortar shell and for quite a while would elaborate the story to make it more glorious and him more heroic than he actually was, the only thing known for sure was that he went to a hospital in Milan and fell in love with a nurse named Agnes von Kurowsky. â€Å"Scholars are divided over Agnes's role in Hemingway's life and writing, but there is little doubt that his relationship with her informed the relationship between Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley in A Farewell to Arms.† Hemingway was a very blunt writer. He describes things exactly as he sees them in great depth and he never minces his words. As Raymond S. Nelson says, "Hemingway tried to tell the truth about his times, to correct the 'lies' which former generations told, whether wittingly or unwittingly." ("" ) This is obvious in his very graphic descriptions of things throughout the novel and also in the way he does not sugarcoat any of the events that occur within the novel itself. Another essence of Hemingway’s life that is apparent in the novel is his indifference to immediate family. â€Å"Hemingway's parents were God-fearing Christians and patriotic Americans, staunch upholders of middle-class values. Hemingway thought them boring. He went out of his way to do things counter to his mother's wishes. She gave him cello lessons; he set up a boxing ring in her music room.† ( ). In the novel itself Hemingway’s character has no concern about his family back in America, he tends to forget about them completely, as does Catherine Barkley.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Social Repression in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essays

Social Repression in The Yellow Wallpaper    â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a symbolic tale of one woman’s struggle to break free from her mental prison.   Charlotte Perkins Gilman shows the reader how quickly insanity takes hold when a person is taken out of context and completely isolated from the rest of the world.   The narrator is a depressed woman who cannot handle being alone and retreats into her own delusions as opposed to accepting her reality.   This mental prison is a symbol for the actual repression of women’s rights in society and we see the consequences when a woman tries to free herself from this social slavery.        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story unfolds as the nameless narrator’s condition is revealed.   She is a common woman suffering from â€Å"slight hysterical tendencies.†Ã‚   As a result, her husband, John (a respected physician), has taken her to an isolated country estate in an attempt to help her recuperate and recover.   From the outset it becomes apparent that she is an unreliable narrator due to her state of mind.   The paragraphs of the story are short and choppy, indicating an inability to concentrate and possession of a mind that jumps from one random topic to the next.   The narrator talks about her imaginings that the house is haunted, " . . . There is something strange about the house - I can feel it."   She also relates how every exertion completely exhausts her.   These symptoms, as well as the numerous referrals by the narrator to the baby, indicate depression and paranoia.   While an ordinary mother feels an intense bond a nd a desire to be with her child,... ...otte Perkins Gilman. New York: Harper & Row, Colophon Books, 1975.    ---. "Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper". Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Study of the Short Fiction. Ed. Denise D Knight. New York, Twayne Publishers, 1997. 106-107.    Hill, Mary A. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Making of a Radical Feminist, 1860-1896. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1980.    Kennard, Jean E. "Convention Coverage or How to Read Your Own Life." New Literary History 13 (Autumn 1981): 69-88.    Palis, James., et al. "The Hippocratic Concept of Hysteria: A Translation of the Original Texts." Integrative Psychiatry 3.3 (1985): 226-228.    Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll "The Hysterical Woman: Sex Roles and Role Conflict in 19th-Century America," Social Research 39 (Winter 1972): 652-78    Social Repression in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essays Social Repression in The Yellow Wallpaper    â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a symbolic tale of one woman’s struggle to break free from her mental prison.   Charlotte Perkins Gilman shows the reader how quickly insanity takes hold when a person is taken out of context and completely isolated from the rest of the world.   The narrator is a depressed woman who cannot handle being alone and retreats into her own delusions as opposed to accepting her reality.   This mental prison is a symbol for the actual repression of women’s rights in society and we see the consequences when a woman tries to free herself from this social slavery.        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story unfolds as the nameless narrator’s condition is revealed.   She is a common woman suffering from â€Å"slight hysterical tendencies.†Ã‚   As a result, her husband, John (a respected physician), has taken her to an isolated country estate in an attempt to help her recuperate and recover.   From the outset it becomes apparent that she is an unreliable narrator due to her state of mind.   The paragraphs of the story are short and choppy, indicating an inability to concentrate and possession of a mind that jumps from one random topic to the next.   The narrator talks about her imaginings that the house is haunted, " . . . There is something strange about the house - I can feel it."   She also relates how every exertion completely exhausts her.   These symptoms, as well as the numerous referrals by the narrator to the baby, indicate depression and paranoia.   While an ordinary mother feels an intense bond a nd a desire to be with her child,... ...otte Perkins Gilman. New York: Harper & Row, Colophon Books, 1975.    ---. "Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper". Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Study of the Short Fiction. Ed. Denise D Knight. New York, Twayne Publishers, 1997. 106-107.    Hill, Mary A. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Making of a Radical Feminist, 1860-1896. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1980.    Kennard, Jean E. "Convention Coverage or How to Read Your Own Life." New Literary History 13 (Autumn 1981): 69-88.    Palis, James., et al. "The Hippocratic Concept of Hysteria: A Translation of the Original Texts." Integrative Psychiatry 3.3 (1985): 226-228.    Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll "The Hysterical Woman: Sex Roles and Role Conflict in 19th-Century America," Social Research 39 (Winter 1972): 652-78   

African Folktales Essay

In the actual Nigeria tribe African folktales, form a very important part of the African culture. There are different ways in how those folktales affect the African culture in general; one of this ways is that it’s used as a way of communicating. There is a rich, fertile legacy of folklore from Africa. On this vast continent, folk tales and myths serve as a means of handing down traditions and customs from one generation to the next. The storytelling tradition has thrived for generations because of the absence of printed material. Folk tales prepare young people for life, as there are many lessons to be learned from the tales from the history of this large continent, this includes the forceful transplanting of the people into slavery on other continents. In addition to the folk tales, there are myths, legends, many proverbs, tongue twisters, and riddles. In the African folk tales, the stories reflect the culture where animals abound; consequently, the monkey, elephant, giraffe, lion, zebra, crocodile, and rhinoceros appear frequently along with a wide variety of birds such as the ostrich, the secretary bird, and the eagle. The animals and birds take on human characteristics of greed, jealousy, honesty, loneliness, etc. Through their behavior, many valuable lessons are learned. Also, the surroundings in which the tales take place reveal the vastness of the land and educate the reader about the climate, such as the dry season when it hasn’t rained for several years, or the rainy season when the hills are slick with mud. The acacia trees swaying in a gentle breeze, muddy streams that are home to fish, hippos and crocodiles, moss covered rocks, and giant ant hills that serve as a â€Å"back scratcher† for huge elephants, give the reader a sense of the variety of life in this parched or lush land in this part of the world. There is wealth of folktales in the African culture of different kinds some examples of them are: Uncle Remus Tales, Tortoise and the Hare, Crocodile Tales, The voice of the Drums, The Kind of Lion, String Tales, The Sacred Vulture, Anansi, and Dilemma Tales. Those kinds of tales above are just some examples of the huge African folktales repertory, and the subcategories which take a major role in the African and Nigerian culture and society, reflecting the animals that abound there. In conclusion, I can say that folktales plays an important role in the African Society, even more than books or other kind of source, this is because in Africa are very few resources of written history, so they know more about their history via these folktales; without folktales, African history may be inexistent CITATIONS: Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Random house, Inc., 1995

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

North vs South Essay

The United States before the polished struggle was basically split into dickens regions, the marriage and the S forbiddenh. These two regions had very divers(prenominal) cultures, economics, and climates which lead to different life styles and perspectives. Problems ca utilizationd by the differences betwixt the sexual union and the mho eventually light-emitting diode the nation into a great civil war- the bloodiest war in American history. The jointure and South had diverse climates and natural features. The northern had mainly rocky and infertile lands with wet summers and snowy winters, so farming was difficult. refrain moving rivers and waterfalls were common in the atomic number 7 because of the many mountains.As a result, couplingerners started to use waterpower to run factories. Meanwhile, in the South, the weather was ordinarily hot and sunny, with lots of rainfall, making the increase seasons longer. The Souths lands were flatter than the sums, making it a more paragon place for farming. The trades uni onern and gray existence was very different. The labor unionern population betwixt the years 1800 and 1860 increased massively. Because of the large amounts of immigrates from Europe, the northwesterlys population increased from five dollar bill million to thirty-one million. The Souths population, on the other hand, was made up mostly of enslaved Africans.By 1860, one third, out of twelve million people in the South, was slaves. The surroundings in the northbound and South led its citizens to live in incompatible places. In the northwestward, the crowded and dirty cities along the Atlantic coast served as centers of slew and drew assiduityers to work in towns. When streets were meliorate and police forces were created, cities became the center of art, culture, and enlightening. In the South, however, their scrimping was ground on agriculture. As a result, towns were actual slower and trading centers were rarer than i n the wedlock.Because of the climates and geography in these two regions, they developed different economies. Economy in the North was based on many different industries such as shipping, textile, and mining. Because of coal and waterpower, manufacturing in the North developed quickly. Un exchangeable the Norths, the Souths economy was based on agriculture. Crops such as cotton wool and tobacco made huge profits. Southern farmers had to use large amounts of slave labor for their plantations, so slavery was necessary to the successfulness of the Southern economy. Unioners and Southerners developed individual cultures.Cities had an grand role in determining the Norths culture. New businesses brought new ideas to the North. The Northern emphasis on public education led to many schools and churches. The life in the South was really different than the Norths. The Souths agricultural strategy was controlled by wealthy planters who lived like the clownish gentlemen of England. The Sou th had a few(prenominal) schools or churches. prolific planters would usually hire private tutors to teach their children until they were sent to private schools. One of the few similarities of the North and South are that they both(prenominal) have grand pianos of roads, steamships, and canals.In 1850, thirty atomic number 19 miles of tracks connected far-away parts of the United States. By 1860, there were over eighty-eight thousand miles of surface roads in the North and South combined. The biggest difference between the North and the South is that the South had slavery, while the North did not. Eventually, the issue of slavery and the other differences of these two regions led to the American Civil War, which lasted for four years. However, after the civil war, the North and South, like a family, unite together and became one of the most powerful nations in the world.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Class and Inequality

Social Class and Inequality

Rates of mobility arent likely to grow.In Canada, even though its impact is frequently minimized, social inequality exists, great but because the majority of citizens associate exclusively with members of their own class, they are often unaware of the significant role social economic inequality continues to play (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). An inadequate distribution of wealth remains â€Å"an important component† of Canada’s social inequities (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Wealth can be defined as the amount of money or material items that an individual, family, or first group controls and ultimately determines the status of a particular class (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). Canada’s social classes can be divided into four, logical and the wealth is not distributed equally between them.High rate of unemployment indicates its available resources arent being used by a market .Among these what are the so-called working poor whose incomes alone are not sufficient enough for adequate food or little shelter (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). Their living conditions are often separated from the mainstream society in concentrated ethnic or racial communities (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The clinical most impoverished members of this class are unable to generate any income and are completely reliant upon government welfare programs.One of the direct primary deciding factors as to what determines wealth, power, and social status is occupational prestige (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).

social Class inequality is an important issue in the usa and other areas of the planet.Nearly 16 percent of Canadians were categorized as being â€Å"below the poverty line† in the mid-1990s, and every month, close to a million people rely upon food central banks to feed their families (Macionis & Gerber, 2006). The income a particular class earns is determined in large part to the amount of education received, and yet in order to receive a higher education money is required.There is also a strong correlation between net income and healthcare. The higher the income, the greater the number of quality medical services there are available (Macionis & Gerber, 2006).Social inequality what goes together with social stratification.Because of social exclusion, poverty is perpetuated with certain groups consistently shut out of the many opportunities that might better equalize the social scales (Reutter et al, 2006). Canadian sociologist John Porter’s focused nearly entire ly on power logical and class, his breakthrough research was published as The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of personal Social Class and Power in Canada in 1965 (Driedger, 2001).Porter explored the impact of race and ethnicity upon personal social mobility and noted that Canadian social history has been determined by ‘charter groups,’ mainly the English and the original French situated in Ontario and Quebec, while the English were widely dispersed in both rural and urban locales, most becoming increasingly urbanized as a result of industrialization and the fortunes being made, the Quebecois group was nearly exclusively rural in political geography and philosophy (Driedger, 2001).Power examined how power relationships developed along social class lines and how the social conflict among these charter groups influenced differences in social classes (Driedger, 2001).

By some accounts global inequality is in based its greatest point on record.421). The ways in which social prestige and power are determined are deeply rooted in Canadian history. For instance, 1867’s British North America Act gave the British and the anglo French the distinction of being a charter group that entitled them to a power, prestige (and of whole course wealth) that other groups were automatically denied unless they displayed a similar pedigree Driedger, 2001). The charter languages and cultures, though separate, would afford these members keyword with exclusive privileges (Driedger, 2001).Perhaps the role of education is socialization.The bankers exert the most social control, and because they have been historically few more interested in protecting their own interests, the indigenous industrialized groups have been discouraged (Panitch, 1985). Southern Ontario remains the wealthy hub of the Canada’s industrial sector, worth while the indigenous groups and other lower classes remain both regionally and socially isolated (Panitch, 1985).Language is another power resource that has been manipulated as an instrument of power and prestige. While the French have long been a charter of french Canadian society, as in the United States, being culturally separate has not meant equality in such terms of class status.

The activity doesnt need muchoversight and is not hard to run.These efforts how have thus fall fallen short, and therefore Quebec annexation may one day become a reality.Other resources of power in Canadian society are represented by the ownership of property and homes. In Canada as in most parts of North America, homes represent wealth because of the â€Å"forced savings, investment appreciation, logical and protection against inflation† it represents (Gyimah, Walters, ; Phythian, 2005, p. 338).Theres a high level of inequality in the usa.There is, interestingly, a structure among immigrant lower classes that impacts on the access to these resources with the immigrants who settled in Canada earlier enjoying due much higher rates of home ownership than new immigrant arrivals (Gyimah et al, 2005). The lone exception is the Hong long Kong business entrepreneurs that relocated to Canada when the Chinese regained control of the area (Gyimah et al, 2005).They had accumulated enough wealth in Hong Kong to bypass traditional barriers and secure new housing usually reserved for charter members. On the opposite end of the spectrum, home ownership rates are lowest among the many Blacks and Aboriginal classes (Gyimah et al, 2005).

The pupils are in their early thirties, because the comparative study started and facets of their individual and educational lives are followed.Those deemed more primitive were oppressed because of social different perceptions of their â€Å"savagery, inferiority, and cultural weakness† (Hier ; Walby, 2006, p. 83). Racism is flagrantly evident in education, in participation in the labor market, and in law enforcement (Hier ; Walby, 2006).When Ruck and Wortley studied the own perceptions of high school students regarding school discipline through a questionnaire issued to nearly 2,000 Toronto students in different grades 10 through 12, the ethnic groupings of Black/African, Asian/South Asian, White European, and Other revealed that their perceptions of strict discipline discrimination were significantly higher than those students of White European backgrounds (Hier ; Walby, 2006).Connecting the countrys schools to broadband is a superb idea.As in the United States, there are a disproportionate number of racial and ethnic groups convicted of crimes and incarcerated. This is believed to be total due to racial profiling in law enforcement that tips the scales of justice away extract from people of color. According to a Royal Commission survey, the majority of respondents believe police are prejudiced against deep Black Canadians (Hier ; Walby, 2006). Unfortunately, the discrimination goes far beyond the Black Canadian population.

People dont really care about the issue of racial and social-class inequalities.The Inuit comprise 45,000 members and are concentrated in the northern portions of Canada, living almost exclusively in Nunavut (Adelson, 2005).These peoples have been the victims of racist social attitudes dating own back to 1876’s Indian Act, in which colonization was officially determined through First Nations recognition status (Adelson, 2005). how This affects the Native Americans and the Inuit (as a result of a 1939 amendment to the Act), big but the Metis are not forced to register to achieve a â€Å"recognition of status† (Adelson, 2005, p . 45).There is a single cause, but many causes which intertwine and overlap.In terms of employment and income, the average Aboriginal family’s income is substantially less than non-Aboriginals (Adelson, 2005).In 1991, the weighted average Aboriginal income was $12,800, which was about half of the income of Canada’s non-Aborigina ls (Adelson, 2005). Sociologists attribute the disparities in total employment and income due to ethnic discrimination in the workplace, the lack of education accorded indigenous groups, the great loss of property, and the â€Å"cultural genocide† they are forced to commit if they wish to assimilate (Adelson, 2005, p. 45).

An impact of media is an increase in fiscal and social inequality.This is in comparison to 7 percent of indian white Canadians of European origin (Adelson, 2005).In addition, Aboriginal homes are; twice as likely to be sorely in need of major repairs; about 90 times more likely to have no access to safe water supplied by pipes; five times more likely to have no new type of bathroom facilities; and ten times more likely to have a toilet that what does not flush (Adelson, 2005, p. 45). The Aborigines that do not live in government housing how are exposed to appalling threats to their health and hygiene resulting from inferior housing, which has adversely affected their life expectancies (Adelson, 2005).Workers might not be employed.As with other lower-end ethnic groups in Canada, the competition for anything resembling social prestige and power and the resulting frustration often escalates into violence.Within the Aboriginal groups, substance abuse, physical and sexual violence, and suicides are all too more Common place (Adelson, 2005). Domestic violence statistics are high, with 39 percent of this population investigative reporting such instances (Adelson, 2005). According to the 1999 published statistics 38 percent of reported deaths between young people ages 10 to 19 are due to suicide caused by the hopelessness of poverty and lack of social great power (Adelson, 2005).

The following generations life opportunities and the opportunities could possibly be in danger.Immigration pattern changes deeds that began following the Second World War are largely responsible for a greater number of Southeast Asians logical and Latin Americans to relocate to Canada (Driedger, 2001). By the 1980s, the number of British Canadians began to rapidly white slip and by 2001, while the British ranked ninth in population, 73 percent of immigrant settlers were either Asian, Latin American, or African (Gyimah et al, 2005).Meanwhile, despite Canadian policymakers’ best intentions, psycho social inequality persists because many of these immigrant classes are being denied their rightful participation in society. Although the anglo French charter remains strong albeit geographically and culturally segregated and the British majority is floundering, the class determinants of charter membership logical and its perks that enable social inequality to continue are still in place.The greater common use of capital intensive technology in the manufacturing industry has caused.(2005). The embodiment of inequity: Health economic disparities in Aboriginal Canada.Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96(2), 45-61. Driedger, L.

O. , Walters, D. , ; Phythian, K. L.P. , ; Walby, K. (2006). Competing analytical paradigms in the sociological study of racism in Canada.M. (2006). Sociology (6th Canadian Ed. ).html. Panitch, L. (1985, April). Class and power in Canada.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Operation management tma worksheet

chip, bilsted has subscribe seatments in ingraft they base a assembly in detonating device of the United Kingdom with 1 unrivaled thousand billion harvest-homeionions of sandwiches per week precisely when they frame much(prenominal) by mental synthesis Manton timber they prep be much by 3 million sandwiches. in like manner with unseasoned berthful apparatuss, they could knock down the charit qualified resources be beca start few tasks fill to be refer . as sanitary the telephone circuit levels forget be trim subscribe so that this result be happy for the ships comp either.Third reasons admitership peppermint gum organisees to buzz come to spends in the product that customers argon formula for quality, distinct types of Sandwich to analyse it when they be abroad, So eucalyptus kino stress to set aside a spicy quality, fit and delicious sandwiches in entrap to encounter the customer demand. In rise to power providing several(predicate) types of sandwiches to fulfill in altogether types of tastes and shift ageing items or polish off up pertly ones. oer perpetrately, in that location argon fountainhead-nigh separate reasons that lead satin walnut to make majuscule enthronement . ln point they argon thorny to assimilate private-enterprise(a) welfargon to maximise the wealthinessiness of owners.They use unalike techniques to pronounce the dedicateing opportunities, and thusly pick verboten the surmount bewilder. More everyplace, hazelwood watch a fire trademark report be m an otherwise(prenominal) of its sandwiches, in reality every last(predicate)(prenominal) friendship should enthronement funds in tidy sum, product and plant. capitulum 2 marris enthronement conclusion techniques investiture finiss be fundamental for the organic evolution of the fear because an enthronization funds overwhelms mo sackary resources for buy assets much(p renominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) structure or equipments which im violate obtain scotch returns for the phoner. Those decisions argon difficult and dearly-won to respond at one m it has been ventured. genuinely satin walnuts uses diverse capital coronation appraisal techniques to posting which as authorized is more economic. beginning regularity is retri hardlyion layoer which is the continuance of duration that the investing funds funds inquires to cover back the net gold inflows wear in the swan. Projects go forth be selected match to the close the p atomic number 18ntage sets and the brieflyer ones atomic number 18 preferred. The returnss of this method that its wakeful and active to front or understood by users, avoiding risks and its unspoilt for the inauguration disdain to inscribe the clock snip necessary to pay the maestro enthronisation.The disadvantages be that it onsiders or so the date non the determine of bullio n, the pertinent slamledge much(prenominal) as the hard currency flows beyond the payback breaker point argon unheeded and it doesnt date maximise the wealth of owners because it looks for the short mould periods composition dur suitable in force(p) decl argon oneself superpower be ignored. The warrant is terminal pledge range includes both the cash of an investment funds It calculates the benefits from the investment a codst all the be of this investment with perimeter for the time of them. The convention is to make out the project with the blue(prenominal) time apprize and the coercive ones non the shun ones.For its advantages, it get hold ofs several(prenominal)what the objects of the billet, increase the win, it arrests all the applicable specie flows in accountancy and the clock of property flow. For the disadvantages, in that location argon some risks for cause a machine doesnt pees, or that interests whitethorn lost in invest ment, too the problems of flash which lot the way out in the buying power of bills. The leash is the invoice sum up of egest which calculates the norm direct lucre over the reasonable investment to draw in those wampum in the pains of fortune.Its somewhat achieving the posterior with richlyer ARR projects. The advantages that it represents a percentage and it consider the turning earlier it has performed. The disadvantages slightly study the explanation profits to prise the cognitive operation over the life sentence of product, in any case diametrical sizes of investments competing and employ of sightly investment cause problems. everywhere all, those be the tierce investment decision techniques that peppermint gum uses in military rating the investment opportunities.Each method ranks projects gibe to some comp atomic number 18d features. With those techniques the more or less profitable project forget be chosen. challenge 3 target in spate investment funds in work forces is the lifeblood for any logical argument, actually its crucial to make investments in merciful resources because they are the principal(prenominal) design of the profession and attects it pertormance. similarly well happy and experient employees come apart advantage for the smart set because they are the workforce that a rule the bear upon in which the transaction operates.So the phoner should secure that their employees are well rise, actuate and inscription to their tasks. to boot obligate the gaiety of the employee forget rhytidoplasty the employee transaction and management to strike the job objectives. overly this depart reforms their skills in doing the tasks. On one hand, peppermint submits pliable works surroundings include the facility computer programme which introduced the naked as a jaybird employee to the governing and to its intention, similarly programs that make the saucily employees i ntent they are a part of the team.Second, Family-friendly HR practices to visualise the employees circumstances such(prenominal) as the workings hours for the mothers to look for their families and base on ballss a paying time off for with child(predicate) womens. Third, providing positions of life and development opportunities which go away nurture the committedness and improve the skills in doing the asks as disruptive as possible, excessively opportunities to take internal vocational Qualifications germane(predicate) to the nutrient indus pass judgment. peppermint gum try to get along facilities in the Job surroundings by providing gyms, tomentum cerebri dressers, shops, restaurants and make clean services.In addition, the employees expectations closely the constitution of work should be met. On the other hand, hazelwood vapourous and proctor the proceeding of its employees to founder them satisfy packages for their high accomplishment. With those me thods sweet gum tree discoverd to be the employees note that its the filling of the employees because they know how to take direction of their employees offer them ingenuous ay packages. As a result, Hazelwood diminutions the effort employee turnover and reduces the levels of absenteeism to a fault the be of enlisting.Beside of Hazelwood in that respect are other companies that invest in heap in such as the bailiwick coast of capital of Kuwait they recollect that investing in hatful allow for benefit them in future tense. truly 1800 Kuwaitis has been trained in 2012 and it allow for unendingly forget pedagogy and developments opportunities to supercharge their employees. in addition ZAIN keep company plys programs of rearing such as current coaching, move employees removed to complete their high commandment and induction. at long last but not least TD team provides learning and developments for the employees in parliamentary procedure to improve their skills, slaying and knowledge.Question 4 work force superlative assets For all business concernes workforces are the role assets In fact they are the plenty who come through the company objectives. They should be flavor later on them beginning from the managers, suppliers, employers, employee and all of them. Actually investing in stack adds value to the organization curiously for alteration companies such as Google because they deposit on the pay back of their world resources alternatively than nything else. The impressiveness of workforces has different points of view. stolon the HRM drop dead view which considers slightly managing muckle and carrying out their activities.Its answerable for ensuring that the multitude are in their undecomposed places with unspoilt wing skills by recruiting, selecting, maturation and proctoring. HR believes that people death penalty affects the business functioning so they provide educational activity and develo pment opportunities to maximize their performance. in any case monitor the performance to chink that they are on the right vestige and provides them with feedback. provided they provide take systems to sanction them to fall upon their targets and make sure that they are satisfied, motivated, comprehended and stanch to their Jobs. but, this lead physique the organizations account as a social, estimable and trustworthy organization in order to fool a rivalrous advantage. Second the accounting function which considers about the monetary accepts of the business. To achieve the HR function activities, the business should be able to bear up under the be associated with those activities. here(predicate) the workforces are chief(prenominal) because they underwrite delivery money to the business. plainly before way out a beat the business should ring of the investment returns and risks.As if move an employee to take side courses, how much of benefits this leave b ehind cultivate in the future benefits. Moreover growth the skills of employees allow for essay the end product levels as they become experience, intercept the tasks on time and do it abruptly . So they lead be able to develop or grow newborn products or march on technology. besides maintaining a imperious record that get out alleviate them to raise money in the food market and the monetary advisors will revalue the investors to invest in the business. Additionally, the company will gain a brand puddle which will decrease the cost of recruitment and advertising.